Plan service center FAQs

Contact Us

Where can I find contact information and phone numbers?

Our phone number and website support email information is available within the “Contact Us” link located along the top of our webpage. After signing in, contact information specific to your plan is located within the “Contacts” link under the Plan tab.


How do I log in to the plan sponsor website?

Enter your Username and Password and then click the Sign In button. If you experience problems signing in the first time, contact your plan’s service team.

How do I change my Username?

The Assigned Username established when your access was first created cannot be changed, however you do have the option of creating a Registered Username. After signing in with your Assigned Username, you have the option of changing your username during the account setup process. If you choose to wait, you can click on the “My Profile" link located along the top of our webpage and select the “Change Username" option. From here you can enter a Registered Username of your choosing that will be easier for you to remember, and then click “Update". Please note that, Registered Usernames are case sensitive, Assigned Usernames are not.

How do I change my password?

After signing in, passwords can be changed via the “My Profile" link located along the top of our webpage. Select the “Change Password" option and follow the prompts.

How many characters must my password contain?

Passwords must be between eight and sixty-four characters in length and contain at least three of the following character sets: lower case letters, upper case letters, numbers, special characters ! @ # $ * ( ) { } [ ]. -_

I forgot my password. How can I get help?

Click on the “Forgot Your Password?” link and follow the required prompts. A temporary password will then be emailed to you within 10 minutes. This temporary password expires upon first login, allowing you to create a new personal password. If you are a new user, you will receive an email to sign in the first time. After initial sign in, you can change your password as you set up your account.

I’ve exceeded the maximum number of login attempts. Can I still log in?

Yes, if you previously successfully signed in, you can log in by setting up a new password via the “Forgot Your Password?" link and following the required prompts. A temporary password will then be emailed to you within 10 minutes. This temporary password expires upon first login, allowing you to create a new personal password. If you are a new user, please call Website Support at the toll-free number listed under the “Contact Us" link along the top of our webpage to have your password reset.

I never received a password. What should I do?

Passwords are sent in an email that is separate from the email you received with your Username. If this secondary email was not received, please call Website Support at the toll-free number listed under the “Contact Us" link along the top of our webpage.

How do I change my email address?

After signing in, your email address can be changed via the “My Profile" link located along the top of our webpage. Select the “Email Address" option and follow the prompts.

Can I transfer this user ID to a different user?

For security purposes, we do not allow a User ID to be transferred from one person to another. Each User ID belongs to one specific person. To request a new User ID, click the “New User Authorization” form at the bottom of the page and follow the instructions.

Outstanding To-Do List Work Items

I received an email about To-Do List items, but when I log into the site, I see no items on the To-Do List. Why is this?

Email notifications about To-Do List items are system-generated and are sent to every User ID within your plan that has To-Do List access. If another user from your plan logs in and clears the existing To-Do List items prior to you logging on, you will no longer see those items. If the outstanding steps need to be completed by your plans TPA, then emails will only generate to the TPA user(s). Approved and completed disbursements are viewable via the Participant Disbursement Detail report listed under the Reports tab of the website.

How do I see what is on the To-Do List?

After you log in, a To-Do List summary is presented on the home landing page for your plan that you can click into to view the pending items. Additional details for each specific item are available by clicking into that item.

Why do I keep receiving To-Do List emails?

To-Do List notifications are sent to your plan’s To-Do List users each day that there are outstanding items existing. If your To- Do List contains no items, no email will generate. Please note that for items requiring a form to be updated and re-faxed, the To-Do List item still needs to be cleared in order to drop off the list.

Can I stop receiving To-Do List email notifications?

Users with “View Only” access to the To-Do List can be removed from the notifications; please email security@retirementpartner. com with your request; Users with “Update” access cannot be removed from the notifications.

How do I clear an item from the To-Do List?

Provided you have “Update” access, click anywhere on the outstanding item and then select “click here to clear this transaction from the checklist.”

How do I approve a To-Do List item?

Provided you have “Update” access, open the item, complete the required steps on the checklist, and then click on Approve

Why can’t I see the Approve button?

Either your User ID is not set up with “Update” access or the items are to be approved by a third party, such as a TPA.

How do I cancel a To-Do List item?

Provided you have “Update” access, click anywhere on the outstanding item and click on the “click here to cancel this transaction” link located toward the middle of the page.


Where are forms and documents?

Plan documents are located within the Fiduciary Records link under the Plan tab; Employee forms are located within the Forms link under the Employees tab; and File layouts and forms are located in the Resource Center.

How can I change our bank account information?

The Plan Service Center Banking Change Form is located in the Resource Center on the File layouts and forms page. Users with appropriate setup and access can view, add and update ACH information online by going to Plan-> Administration-> View/ Change Banking Information and following the prompts.